The distribution of the answers on students‟ self-evaluation is presented in above chart. As is shown in the chart, the number of students who think their English is “good” has the highest frequency of 46%. Then the number of whose English are “just so so” ranks second with a percentage of 28%. The “very good” evaluation of their English follows next, amounting 19%. The least percentage of students who think their English is “bad” only accounts for 7%. It might suggest that most of the subjects tend to think their English is good. Only few ones think they are bad at it. What‟s more, it needs to be noted that almost all of the students think they are good at their English. All in all, it sets some basic background information for the next part‟s analysis. The second item is about “the major factor leading to their current English proficiency”. The distribution of answers to the four choices is fairly average. It reveals that the Option A “interest” acounts for 26.7%, which ranks the highest percentage. Option B “self-confidence” amounts 23.5%, which is the lowest percentage. Left choices for C “classroom performance” and D “teacher‟s role” account for 25.5% and 25.3% respectively. From the answers to item 2, we can deduce that four factors (interest, self-confidence, classroom performance and teacher‟s role) all play an important part in students‟ language learning.
2. The results of affective factors in English learning
To make English learning more effective, we should find out the effects of the three major affective factors in the process of English learning. Therefore, it is necessary to examine students‟ attitudes toward English and get a clearer picture about it. In the questionnaire, subjects were asked several questions about their performances and attitudes in class from classroom performance, interest, motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. The study examines the frequency of the four options chosen by the subjects ranging from totally approval to totally disapproval (far from enough). The number of each options and the corresponding ratios are illustrated as follows (Table. 2),