At the lowest level, the functional units are
largely conventional with some minor adjustments.
Their total capability is determined by the optimal
space they can take up, balanced with that of the state
storage blocks and the communication data paths. A
functional unit may require multiple micro-cycles to
perform an operation. The functional unit will
directly support basic operations such as logical,
integer adds, and permutation operations. It can also
provide partial operations in support of more
complex functions such as floating point arithmetic.
A floating point operation may be distributed across a
sequence of cells in a pipelined manner, each cell
doing part of the total function. A burton carries the
opcode(s) to be performed at its destination cell on its
target data and the control interprets and dispatches
on these instructions in response to the arriving
burton, where appropriate.
At the lowest level, the functional units arelargely conventional with some minor adjustments.Their total capability is determined by the optimalspace they can take up, balanced with that of the statestorage blocks and the communication data paths. Afunctional unit may require multiple micro-cycles toperform an operation. The functional unit willdirectly support basic operations such as logical,integer adds, and permutation operations. It can alsoprovide partial operations in support of morecomplex functions such as floating point arithmetic.A floating point operation may be distributed across asequence of cells in a pipelined manner, each celldoing part of the total function. A burton carries theopcode(s) to be performed at its destination cell on itstarget data and the control interprets and dispatcheson these instructions in response to the arrivingburton, where appropriate.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

At the lowest level, the functional units are
largely conventional with some minor adjustments.
Their total capability is determined by the optimal
space they can take up, balanced with that of the state
storage blocks and the communication data paths. A
functional unit may require multiple micro-cycles to
perform an operation. The functional unit will
directly support basic operations such as logical,
integer adds, and permutation operations. It can also
provide partial operations in support of more
complex functions such as floating point arithmetic.
A floating point operation may be distributed across a
sequence of cells in a pipelined manner, each cell
doing part of the total function. A burton carries the
opcode(s) to be performed at its destination cell on its
target data and the control interprets and dispatches
on these instructions in response to the arriving
burton, where appropriate.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..