The KANVAS project adopts an ontology as a knowledge
representation that meets these requirements. According to
[6], “An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization.”
An ontology can express relationship between
concepts called classes that exist in an objective domain
through describing the properties and the attributes of the
classes. An ontology is ususally defined with RDF (Resource
Description Framework)[7], XML (eXtensible Markup Language),
or OWL (Web Ontology Language)[8]. The KANVAS
project defines Bonsai Network Ontology, a template
of network knowledge. The KB system stores information
as instances of Bonsai.
The idea of the KANVAS project includes the network
open data, which anyone can access, use, and share without
a license. In the future, the KB system wiil open the stored
knowledge to the public for improved transparency of the
Internet and secondary use.
The current goal of the KANVAS project is to realize wide
area network management by constructing a KB system that
consists of multiple KBs in multiple networks. For this goal,
it is necessary that multiple KBs cooperate with each other
because it would be difficult for a single KB to deal with all
information in wide area networks. As a first step towards
the KB system in wide area networks, this paper constructs
a single KB that works in a single AS. This paper shows
design and implementation of our KB system. Performance
of our KB system is meas
The KANVAS project adopts an ontology as a knowledgerepresentation that meets these requirements. According to[6], “An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization.”An ontology can express relationship betweenconcepts called classes that exist in an objective domainthrough describing the properties and the attributes of theclasses. An ontology is ususally defined with RDF (ResourceDescription Framework)[7], XML (eXtensible Markup Language),or OWL (Web Ontology Language)[8]. The KANVASproject defines Bonsai Network Ontology, a templateof network knowledge. The KB system stores informationas instances of Bonsai.The idea of the KANVAS project includes the networkopen data, which anyone can access, use, and share withouta license. In the future, the KB system wiil open the storedknowledge to the public for improved transparency of theInternet and secondary use.The current goal of the KANVAS project is to realize widearea network management by constructing a KB system thatconsists of multiple KBs in multiple networks. For this goal,it is necessary that multiple KBs cooperate with each otherbecause it would be difficult for a single KB to deal with allinformation in wide area networks. As a first step towardsthe KB system in wide area networks, this paper constructsa single KB that works in a single AS. This paper showsdesign and implementation of our KB system. Performanceกิโลของเรา ระบบจะมาส
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..