the lines of a traditional village where pupils are resident. This centre has
become a focus of very interesting innovations based on traditional themes.
Bagong Kussudiardjo’s special groups perform on national as well as
international stages.
Some well-known painters, such as Amri Yahya of international repute,
have also opened private centres where painting, especially batik painting,
is taught.
The schools and academies cited in Table 2, as well as some private
organizations, cater mainly for future artists and/or teaching staffs of the
arts, those that want to make art their profession. However, in most
school systems art education is also given, to disseminate and improve
art appreciation. Courses may be given within the regular curriculum.
Drawing, singing and reading music may come under this category.
Extracurricular art subjects are traditional music and dance, folk drama
and others.
The Directorate-General of Culture shown in Figure 1 has the following
divisions and responsibilities: