Hi My Darling Yupin,
Its almost 4am I woke up early to write this mail to you, I want you to know you have been on my mind so much these last few days. I want to come back to you right now!, i feel you want me with you too! Its just so frustrating at the moment, i am
trying to save some money but its hard at the moment. I can feel you are having a difficult time too, i am sure you are working hard trying to support yourself and your family and I know you have a problem with your car also, was it the steering as I heard some noises coming from the front left side when I was there.
I guess all we can do is to put a little aside each week and save so we can be together, i have been checking the flights to see which is the best deal and also some visa information on a Government site here. Maybe tell Tum about the site please if she types in visas for australia on Google it should come up "migration expert" and there are all the visas listed there so you can go through and check which visa is appropiate.
I know its tough at the moment but please be patient and dont loose sight of what "our future" will be please.Sometimes after we are together we will look back on this time and know that all the hard work was worth it ok.
So my love just remember i am here for you always and i will be there asap ok thats my promise to you.
Love you so much,i will go back to bed now and get some sleep before i have to get up and get Josh off to school and myself to work.Big huggs and kisses for you,take care love you love you...bye now your Barry