24. K. R.Nia& Maryam Maleki (2013) studied on the relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment of faculty members at Islamic Azad University under 127 faculty members with sample size of 97 subjects through random stratified sampling. Spearman's correlation coefficient, multiple correlation method, LISREL, Friedman Test was used for data analysis. The T- statistic and Fisher statistic are applied to measure the demographic variables. Result showed that there is positive relation between the QWL and organisational commitment it means organisation commitment is the result high QWL.
25 H. Mohammadia& M. A. Shahrabib (2013)conducted a research on relationship between quality of work life and job satisfaction, it is an empirical investigation. Questionnaire in likert scales format and distributed among 86 full time employees of two governmental agencies in Iran, Supreme Audit Court and Interior Ministry and t-test used to examined the hypothesis. The results indicated that different working components have significantly influenced on job satisfaction.
26. S.Khodadadi et al (2014)investigated the QWL dimensions effect on the employees’ job satisfaction. In this study independent variables were permanent security providing, salary and benefits payment policies, development and promotion opportunity, and job independence, job satisfaction as the dependent variables. 114 employees selected randomly for this study and two questionnaires of “quality of work life” and “job satisfaction” wereused for data collection and Data analysis was done by using SPSS and LISREL software. The results of the study showed that the salary and benefits’ policies have a significant and positive effect on Shuhstar’s Shohola Hospital employees’ job satisfaction.