Couple held for repeated rape of 12 year-old daughter
Post reporters
A 36-year-old mother was arrested yesterday on charges she helped her new husband on Sarut Thani's Samui island.
The 26-year-old man,who is the child's stepfather, also was arrested on multiple counts of sexual assault and sexual abuse of a minor,Pol Col Paithoon Krajajang,chief of Samui Police station, said.
The couple were apprehended at a house in Nakron Si Thammarat's Tha Sala district after Koh Samui Provincial Court on Saturday approved warrants for their arrest.
The suspests were identified as Ms Nam-petch Jamderm and Promphong Khongsuk,Pol col Paithoon said.
The arrest followed a complaint by the girl's father last Friday that his daughter had been repeatedly raped by her stepfather.
If the girl resisted raped,the man hit her with hard objects and threw hot water at her until she sustained injuries,he said.
The father of the 12-year-old girl also claimed the mother helped her new husband repeatedly rape her daughter.
The most recent incident took place on May 7 at a house on Samui when her mother and stepfather forced the girl to drink beer until it gave her a headache,and the stepfather raped her later that night,the father told police