As part of a prospective, mixed-methods study we
undertook case note review, semi-structured and indepth
interviews with women admitted to hospital for
post abortion care. We also undertook in depth, key informant
interviews with health care professionals. Data
collection took place over a six month period between
May and November 2012 at the Eastern Highlands
Provincial hospital, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province,
Papua New Guinea. All data collection, including clinical
data and interviews was undertaken by one trained and
experienced research midwife (PH) from the PNG Institute
of Medical Research (PNGIMR) and overseen by
the principle investigator for the study (LV).
MethodsAs part of a prospective, mixed-methods study weundertook case note review, semi-structured and indepthinterviews with women admitted to hospital forpost abortion care. We also undertook in depth, key informantinterviews with health care professionals. Datacollection took place over a six month period betweenMay and November 2012 at the Eastern HighlandsProvincial hospital, Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province,Papua New Guinea. All data collection, including clinicaldata and interviews was undertaken by one trained andexperienced research midwife (PH) from the PNG Instituteof Medical Research (PNGIMR) and overseen bythe principle investigator for the study (LV).
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