A. Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset
Our EEG controlled wheelchair is based on a
commercially low cost EEG headset which is Emotiv EPOC
Headset (Fig 3) [22]. It does not need the assistance of a
technician or gel application on scalp. The headset has a
lithium battery that provides 12 hours of continuous use. The
Emotiv headset is composed of: (i) a neuroheadset hardware
device to acquire and preprocess EEG and EMG user
brainwaves, and (ii) the software development kit (SDK) to
process and interpret these signals. The neuroheadset
acquires brain Neuro-signals with 14 saline sensors placed
on the user scalp. It also integrates two internal gyroscopes
to provide user head position information. The
communication of this device with a PC occurs wirelessly by
means of a USB receiver. Emotiv provides software in two
ways: (i) some suites, or developed applications, with
graphical interface to process brain signals, to train the
system, and to test the neuroheadset; and (ii) an application
programming interface (API) to allow users to develop C or
C++ software to be used with the neuroheadset. The Emotiv
headset can capture and process brainwaves in the Delta
(0.5--4 Hz), Theta (4-8 Hz), Alpha (8-14 Hz), and Beta (14-
26 Hz) bands and use them to detect user thoughts, feelings
and expressions.