If students are to use fresh material, have them follow the procedure on the attached
Preparing an Onion Root Tip Squash Mount Slide handout or use a procedure found in a
standard reference.
3. Have students document their observations of the phases of mitosis and cytokinesis by
preparing either labeled drawings or, if microphotography and photo-editing tools are
available, labeled photomicrographs of the phases of the cell cycle.
4. Have students infer and then calculate the time a dividing cell spends in each phase of the
cell cycle. Direct them to observe a total of 200 cells, using either prepared or freshly made
slides, and record which phase each cell is in. Inform them that among the 200 cells, the
percentage of cells found in each phase is directly proportional to the percentage of time a
cell stays in that phase.
5. Have students present their observations and findings, labeled drawings or
photomicrographs, and time calculations.
If students are to use fresh material, have them follow the procedure on the attached
Preparing an Onion Root Tip Squash Mount Slide handout or use a procedure found in a
standard reference.
3. Have students document their observations of the phases of mitosis and cytokinesis by
preparing either labeled drawings or, if microphotography and photo-editing tools are
available, labeled photomicrographs of the phases of the cell cycle.
4. Have students infer and then calculate the time a dividing cell spends in each phase of the
cell cycle. Direct them to observe a total of 200 cells, using either prepared or freshly made
slides, and record which phase each cell is in. Inform them that among the 200 cells, the
percentage of cells found in each phase is directly proportional to the percentage of time a
cell stays in that phase.
5. Have students present their observations and findings, labeled drawings or
photomicrographs, and time calculations.
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