Discussion & Conclusion
In this study, the impact of reduction recasts, as one type of corrective feedback, on speaking ability
was investigated. The results indicated that reduction recasts did significantly improve the speaking
ability of the experimental group. This is in line with the findings of a study conducted by Iwashita
(2003) who found that recasts are more salient to second language learners than other types of
positive evidence from native-speaker interactional moves.
Reduction recasts are advantageous, since they build up communication and provide a rich environment for the learners in the classroom. They are mediums of increasing
reflection in students although using them is not without drawbacks. Recasts were of benefit to
students in terms of their ability to detect and correct errors in their own speech. Specifically, when
presented with errors in their own speech and in written form, students were able to detect, as well as
successfully and partially successfully modify, more of the errors that had received recasts during the
interaction than those that had not received recasts.
The present study proves that reduction recast improved EFL learners‘ speaking ability, especially
among intermediate learners. For future studies researchers suggest exploring the effect of other
types of recast on other skills.
Discussion & ConclusionIn this study, the impact of reduction recasts, as one type of corrective feedback, on speaking abilitywas investigated. The results indicated that reduction recasts did significantly improve the speakingability of the experimental group. This is in line with the findings of a study conducted by Iwashita(2003) who found that recasts are more salient to second language learners than other types ofpositive evidence from native-speaker interactional moves.Reduction recasts are advantageous, since they build up communication and provide a rich environment for the learners in the classroom. They are mediums of increasingreflection in students although using them is not without drawbacks. Recasts were of benefit tostudents in terms of their ability to detect and correct errors in their own speech. Specifically, whenpresented with errors in their own speech and in written form, students were able to detect, as well assuccessfully and partially successfully modify, more of the errors that had received recasts during theinteraction than those that had not received recasts.The present study proves that reduction recast improved EFL learners‘ speaking ability, especiallyamong intermediate learners. For future studies researchers suggest exploring the effect of othertypes of recast on other skills.
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