Material group 2: The breeding nurseries of F1 and F2 also did not show any infected plant with phyllody symptoms within normal growing season until harvest which was done by cutting the plants of F1 and capsule harvest of the F2 plants. Upon observing some phyllody events in the regenerated branches in the stubbles of cut plants (of F1s especially) and unselected left-plants of F2, we focused on again incidence of phyllody. Consequently a comparative study between cut plants and left plants for the incidence was done (Table 2), more phyllody disease in the cut plants (39 %) was observed than in the left plants (13.18 %). It should be added that incidence was gradually increased and it was highest in cut plants (39 %) because of the F1`s genetic structure. It should be underlined that all these events occurred after harvest. Material group 1 dried down after harvest but very few regenerated branches appeared showing also some phyllody symptoms (data not shown).