• complete and firmly implement the comprehensive air management plan for the Seoul metropolitan
• formulate and implement comprehensive air quality plans (including cost-benefit analyses) for the
major cities and industrial complexes outside the Seoul metropolitan area;
• strengthen the management of hazardous air pollutants: monitor their concentration, analyse their
health effects and reduce their emissions (e.g. from existing coal-fired power plants); take further
measures to reduce emissions of VOCs;
• further improve energy efficiency so as to reduce energy dependency, air pollution and greenhouse
gas emissions; bolster current efforts to expand the use of renewable energy sources; continue
efforts to ensure that energy prices reflect environmental costs;
• ensure that work on energy being done by the Presidential Commission on Sustainable
Development and the proposed National Energy Committee takes full account of the pivotal role of
energy issues in sustainable development;
• ensure that efforts to manage air quality are commensurate with the magnitude of the problem,
including the damage to public health, by: further integrating air pollution and sectoral policies
(e.g. energy, industry, transport and urban planning); building capacity in local government; and
expanding awareness of the health effects of air pollution and their economic burden.