Pet is animal that love for in our lives. Example of animal that can be our pet is cat, dog, bird and fish.
I also have pet. Its name is Kaka. Its names like the football player from Brazil. Its actually male cat and just only pet that I have now. We always experience many thing from sweet thing to bad thing.
There some experience that always cannot I forget. One years ago, my family and I wanted to go Port Dickson. When we were ready to go, car key was lost. We searched it everywhere from under bed to cabinet. We searched all gap but we can`t find it. We almost cancel our trip. Then, come our hero that saved the state. Kaka find it in my father cloth. That make our family more love to Kaka. Even Kaka is a cat but it clever. Kaka can find missing thing.
Kaka also can catch rat fast. When Kaka saw rat, its chase that rat. A few second , the rat was caughted by Kaka. Its is excellent catch the rat. That make our house was afraid by rat. Eventually, Kaka is cute with white hair and some black spot.
Now, Kaka almost two years old and I cannot keep it again because I have to study in England. I give Kaka to my niece to take care of him. I told him to keep him until I come back and take care Kaka again.