The potential carcinogenic risk from youtiao consumption may
be due to the fact that many youtiao makers, such as private vendors
or fast-food restaurants, lack good manufacturing practice,
resulting in higher PAHs content. It is necessary to take appropriate
measures to control the health risk due to dietary PAHs exposure
from youtiao.
For four age groups, adults had the highest carcinogenic risk,
followed by children, seniors and adolescents. This result was
consistent with other three reports by Xia et al. (2010), Wu et al.
(2011) and Ding, Ni, and Zeng (2013). Adults contributed the
most to the cancer risk in the lifetime, which could be attributed to
the longest exposure duration and the highest ingestion amount of
youtiao. Although the ingestion amount of childrenwas lower than
that of seniors and adolescents, the body weight of children was
also significantly lower, resulting in a high risk value for children.