rank third after third permanent molars and maxillary
permanent canines, in frequency of impactions.2 Impaction
of maxillary premolars and canines is seen more often
palatally compared with buccally, while the incidence of
mandibular premolars is predominantly lingual.2 Literature
specific to impacted premolars is not extensive, despite the
fact that mandibular second premolars alone account for
approximately 24% of all dental impactions.2 Palatally
impacted premolars are sometimes horizontally positioned
very high in the palatal vault, close to the nasal and sinus
floor and thus might not be detected on a routine periapical
radiograph.3 Therefore, when any permanent tooth is
clinically missing, a panoramic radiographic examination3
along with an occlusal radiograph is essential. The surgical
procedure, although a little extensive, yields excellent results
and leaves no residual, cosmetic or functional impairments.
rank third after third permanent molars and maxillarypermanent canines, in frequency of impactions.2 Impactionof maxillary premolars and canines is seen more oftenpalatally compared with buccally, while the incidence ofmandibular premolars is predominantly lingual.2 Literaturespecific to impacted premolars is not extensive, despite thefact that mandibular second premolars alone account forapproximately 24% of all dental impactions.2 Palatallyimpacted premolars are sometimes horizontally positionedvery high in the palatal vault, close to the nasal and sinusfloor and thus might not be detected on a routine periapicalradiograph.3 Therefore, when any permanent tooth isclinically missing, a panoramic radiographic examination3along with an occlusal radiograph is essential. The surgicalprocedure, although a little extensive, yields excellent resultsand leaves no residual, cosmetic or functional impairments.
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