My Dearest.......thanks for your compliments on my profile....i am very sorry to reply your email after a long time. because i had i a busy week.... i hardly have time for my personal self... i work every day and 7 days per week.....we don't have weekends out here in the military mission while in foreigner countries, i only have some few hours to rest and sleep....the situation with ISIS Islamic Group is getting more bloody by the day.... with increase in lost of life's and bombing.... just 12 hours ago i lost some of my close military friends in a rescue mission that went bad....
I don't have any friend in are they only friend i have a in Thailand...i only read about Thailand on internet and i love everything about the country......... i have been in the military service all my life..... i would to travel around the world and visit the beautiful cities of the world together with you.......
if things work out between us, i will ask you to quite your job and retire from work, once i come back to meet you.......because i have made enough money to take good care you and our family together....... I wish i can see your face to tell you how happy i am to have you in my life, i feel like i have known you all my life, every thing about you makes me happy.............
Since you came into my life i have been a changed man, you are really showing me so much love,care and happiness, your my best friend................
I thought i could never love or feel any thing for any woman, but when i met you all that changed, I fell in love with you right from the very first day i set my eyes on you. miss you every day and every minute... My assignment will finish in 3 month's time and I am thinking of visiting you in your country as soon as my assignment is over that we can meet our self and see our self face to face.................
I have been to many countries like...UK,Spain,Palestine,Iran Australia, Iraq, Pakistan and China too..but i have never been to your country before.
Take care of your self and enjoy the rest of your day...
Regards Jason