Abandonment of Children
by ADMIN on APRIL 18, 2013
Visitors to Thailand, and especially Bangkok, are often struck by the number of people who appear to be homeless. The major streets of Bangkok have panhandlers, many of whom are children. There are several possible reasons why people might be begging in Thailand. Not all are Thai nationality. Some may be working in organized gangs. However, many of the children seen begging, or living on the street, have been abandoned
Thai society has historically had a problem with abandonment of children. Abandonment stems from many problems, including undesired pregnancies out of wedlock, family problems and more. Parents who abandon a child do have other options. There are governments and private sponsored faculties for children who need care. However, many parents do not avail themselves of these services and the children end up on the street. Parents who abandon children are committing an offense under Thai criminals law. The Thailand law sates as follows:
1) Criminal code Section 306 : Whoever, abandons a child not over nine years of age in any place, with intent to wholly abandon such child in a manner so that such child shall be without a person to take care of, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding six thousand Baht, or both.