1. Hamas rockets must stop.
This should be a no brainer but for some it is difficult to accept. All relevant, but none change the fact
that two (or multiple) wrongs don't make a right. We must condemn Hamas violence, their rockets, and
their indiscriminate firing that puts Israeli civilians at risk. The rockets must unconditionally stop.
2. The conflict is older than Hamas (a lot of older)
The incessant focus on Hamas as the reason for Israel's self-described acts of self-defense is a red
herring. This position pretends we are addressing a 27-year conflict.
3. If Muslims want peace in Palestine, then they must unite in peace worldwide.
His Holiness the Khalifa of Islam, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, leads the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community. The Muslim world should follow his example of principled leadership precisely because he
implores and acts with justice in all fairs even with those persecuting his community.
In speaking to Muslim majority nations His Holiness points out a simple fact.
With great regret it must be said that today it is the ill fortune of many Muslim countries that they are
no longer united.
Before lambasting Israel, Muslim majority nations should lead by example and establish peace with each
4. Peace cannot exist without justice.
To Muslim leaders His Holiness has admonished,
The Muslim leaders and so-called clerics are not righteous or God fearing and as a result those under
their influence are being entirely misguided. The clerics are pushing young people, who know no better,
towards evil and cruelty by falsely claiming it will lead them towards God.
To Israel and Palestine His Holiness has advised
Compared to Israel, the Palestinians have no power or strength. Certainly all cruelty is wrong and so if
Hamas is perpetrating cruelty, then the Muslim countries should also stop them. However, if you are to
compare the relative strengths and cruelties of the two sides, it is as if one side is using a stick, whilst the
other side is utilizing a fully equipped army to perpetrate its injustice.
(Muslim leaders must take more ownership over their youth, and Israel and Palestine must hold
themselves accountable to justice -- otherwise peace is a mere fantasy. )
5. Palestine was a haven for Jewish refugees before the creation of Israel.
Some insist on arguing that Palestine is inherently anti-Semetic. This is untrue and Palestine's historical
actions prove otherwise. Before Israel's creation, Palestine willingly accepted some 700,000 Jewish
refugees escaping World War I and the Holocaust. This is a massive number considering Palestine's
Muslim population in 1947 was only around 1.2 million.
6. Since Israel was created by the United Nations, it must live by the United Nations.
The hardline pro-Palestine argument states that since Palestine never approved the creation of Israel,
they will not recognize Israel. The pro-Israel side states the opposite -- the United Nations created us by
democratic vote so we are here to stay. Israel is right. The reality is we cannot undo history. Israel has
the right to exist and is here to stay -- no amount of arguing or fighting will undo that.
7. Arab blood and Jewish blood are human blood -- and all blood is equal
No justification exists for civilian deaths. The concept of self-preservation or a "zero-sum" game does
not work in our global village or by any moral compass.
8. Both sides have committed potential war crimes and must be held accountable accordingly.
Having elected Hamas, Palestine must be accountable to Hamas's war crimes. Firing rockets
indiscriminately is a war crime. Iron Dome and the comparatively fewer civilian Israeli casualties
acknowledged, firing rockets at a civilian population is by definition a war crime.
9. America must play fair, and so must worldwide Muslim leadership.
USA must play fair and so must Muslim leadership. USA hold UN veto power. This can take
Israel side. Muslim world must recognize the right of Israel to exist.