But give me about three hours of your time a week, and I can guarantee you’ll feel better.
No, it’s not a pill, not a therapy, not a procedure. It’s yoga, an ancient Eastern practice now being recognized as an outstanding adjunct to modern medicine in terms of keeping you fit, healthy, and centered.
If you’re like most Americans, though, yoga conjures up visions of double-jointed 20-somethings putting them selves into impossible positions and chanting. I’ve got news for you. Yoga today is about as mainstream as apple pie. Even small, rural communities have yoga classes, and in large cities they’re as ubiquitous as dry cleaners. Plus, given all those health benefits, your doctor may even prescribe it for you!
So come along with me as I give you three user-friendly answers to three fairly giant questions : What is this thing caller yoga? Why do I absolutely need it in my life? And, most important, how do I begin?