The findings reported here are based on a small sample and must be
interpreted with caution. Nonetheless, several of the findings may be relevant to foreign language researchers, textbook writers, and teachers. For researchers, we call attention to three points. First, although transfer cannot account for everything, L2 theory must account for transfer, a process that this study and previous studies have shown to be a major influence on L2 phonology. Second, assessing transfer requires the use of trained judges (perhaps native speakers of the L1) who can identify L1 forms when they occur. Third, L2 research and theory must
deal with wide variation across speakers. In the current project, for
example, speaker J 1 substituted flaps 77.8% of the time, offering very few data in support of theories that might predict phonetic variants resulting from processes other than transfer. Clearly, support for any particular theory of SLA or L2 pedagogy depends in part on the speakers
observed, and more studies assessing large numbers of speakers in carefully defined conditions are needed.
CONCLUSIONThe findings reported here are based on a small sample and must beinterpreted with caution. Nonetheless, several of the findings may be relevant to foreign language researchers, textbook writers, and teachers. For researchers, we call attention to three points. First, although transfer cannot account for everything, L2 theory must account for transfer, a process that this study and previous studies have shown to be a major influence on L2 phonology. Second, assessing transfer requires the use of trained judges (perhaps native speakers of the L1) who can identify L1 forms when they occur. Third, L2 research and theory mustdeal with wide variation across speakers. In the current project, forexample, speaker J 1 substituted flaps 77.8% of the time, offering very few data in support of theories that might predict phonetic variants resulting from processes other than transfer. Clearly, support for any particular theory of SLA or L2 pedagogy depends in part on the speakersobserved, and more studies assessing large numbers of speakers in carefully defined conditions are needed.
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