Hi Dina...Dave here from ninjas... dan has been talking to someone there and thought we should talk about helping each other
Dina Baetens
Yeah, his brother in law is in our clan
Dave Wisbey
so where to begin
Dina Baetens
I'm prepared to listen & post it on our grouppage, I never decide alone
& sorry if I write some words wrong
Dave Wisbey
i am not looking to pit you guys against corps.... lol join the club... i talk typo-nees
things have changed in the last week... we have decided not to chase cit bonus's to hard ..it just costs far too much and takes up way too much time ..time we could be playing the rest of the game
what i am now thinking is an alliance between a number of clans ..to do cads and to help everyone grow
have fun and not get caught up in the $ war
Dina Baetens
Not into the coining war anyway (well sometimes we do lol) If we get 1st place, great, if we don't that's okay, we are always in top 3. We have no rules (well one, to start cit 10 min after mc when they are at the same time)
& that's why we seem to grow, we accept all and have no rules
Dave Wisbey
i use to be the co leader of q4d and i know if you take the cit bonus away from most of them they are so weak its not funny... i am making ninjas grow stronger in base strength now not in cit bonus's ..i know some will leave but thats ok.. i want our ppl to be strong and then down the line we will look at taking cits again
oh while i am thinking of this...what is your bunker bonus worth?
Dina Baetens
Lol, not much yet
We let our clannies concentrate on making themself strong, they only have to invest when they have enough
Dave Wisbey
yes that is a good move
Dina Baetens
& I use most of my sm (not that I buy alot) to reinvest & do some extra cits at times
Dave Wisbey
ok so as for my proposal ... we would be happy to help you guys grow lots faster in the intrest of a better future in the game..i know its a bit down the track but ya gotta start somewhere
Dina Baetens
& how would you help us, how can we help you?
Dave Wisbey
we are only look at clans outside the top 6 and would be happy to have many clans form up to help each other grow
easy... what cad are you doing atm?
Dina Baetens
I'm only doing one of each I need, I don't want to level too fast , see that happen 2 lots of people & their strenght isn't according the level anymore
& most here play the same, that's why we get strong players
Cause they have to survive without big extra bonusses lol
Dave Wisbey
that use to be true but now there is bios that give you so much strength ... and you dont loose out now from lvl fast... there is just too much stuff to buy now
True, but that's the only thing here that is diff, getting loads of silver so I have to save up alot before I can buy stuff
Dave Wisbey
yes thats the same all the way up... i have 15k worth of attack items i cant afford atm
will cost me about 30 mil in silver
Lol, the most silver I ever had was a bit over a million
Dave Wisbey
lol..if i go under 5 i feel broke..lol
Dina Baetens
Then I'm very broke lol
Dave Wisbey
Dina Baetens
And we have some alts from the 'big' clans in our clan too, maybe you would want to know that too
Dave Wisbey
what would happen is what i call power runs... we all get together at set times during the day and run cads that ppl need... it helps ppl grow and also helps build business's
Dina Baetens
and we lost a few members 2 '1000 corps'
Dave Wisbey
we did too
there are 3 alts in ninjas all coiners belonging to the leaders
Dina Baetens
Over here all play when they feel like, so don't know if those power runs would help, does sound good for those in need
Dave Wisbey
we dont allow any other alts
thats why i was saying we need a few clans
i run them here on request.... someone will ask for a cad and we run them for 30 min
same thing could happen with a number of clans
we just make a fb page for power runs and everyone can be in it and ask for runs
Dina Baetens
So when you do those runs it will be only with the clans you've got an alliance with?
Dave Wisbey
Dina Baetens
I always help out all, no matter which clan and invite all too
Dave Wisbey
if not we will get the top 6 clans in them and not give the smaller ppl a chance to get a crown
im not saying we only do the cads we call but during a power run it would be for our group of clans not all... other times we can do whatever we like
Dina Baetens
I'll post a copy off our conversation in our group & see what all think about it. Will let you know what the outcome will be. I do hope we won't get targeted by any if the outcome to the proposal will be negative
Dave Wisbey
no way... you are free to do as you please... being that this is not about cits i cant see how anyone can be upset... if you decide not to go with it that cool as well
Dina Baetens
Dave Wisbey
have fun
Dina Baetens
24-2-2015 13:03
Thx, you 2 !!!