The influence of different management practices (insecticide, plant extract, homeo chemical & biological control) on the mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis) infestation was studied to evaluate their potential as a management strategy. Five treatments viz. chemical control (Profenofos 50 EC), plant product (Neemosal 0.5% EC), homeo-chemical (Fierce), biological control agent (Chrysoperla carnea) and a control plot were tested in three replicates. Profenofos showed the best control against cotton mealybug population. Neemosal and Fierce did not notably lower the mealy bug population while C. carnea failed to produce any result. It is suggested that neem based insecticide (Neemosal) and homeo chemical (Fierce) can be applied during initial or low mealybug infestation, however chemical control (profenofos) should remain as the last option during heavy infestations