1 I see Earth. It so beautiful!
2 These are the fist words spoken by a human in space when he flew around the Earth in a spacecraft called Vostok 1. He was only twenty-seven at the time. The spcecraft flew at a speed of over 27,000 kilometres an hour, more than 300 kilometres above the Earth. The flight lested 108 minutes.
3 Gagarin voolunteered to become one of thefirst Soviet astronauts in 1959. As part of his training, he had to sit in a room without sound or light for twenty-four hours! The flight of Vostok 1 made him famous all around the world, and he became a hero in the Soviet Union. He never went into space again, but he helped train other astronauts untilhe died in a plane vrash in 1968.
4 There were six Vostok flights. While the firs lasted less than two hours, Vostok 2 stayed in space for more than twenty-five hours. It flew around the Earth saventeen times! Later Vostok flights lasted even longer and Vostok 6 took the first woman, CalentinaTareshkova, into space on 16 June 1963.
5 No one was certain if the astronauts who went on there flights would come back alive. But they did, and our ideas about space were changed forever.