_ Coffee at home was significantly different to coffee outside.
Rating for coffee outside home was better than tea
outside home, specifically in the North and the East.
_ Coffee from vending machines rated significantly more
satisfactory in the North as compared to the East or the
West. Consumers in the North believed that making filter
coffee was time-consuming.
_ In the weak coffee markets, the key barriers to coffee appeared
to be its bitter taste (East) and its inconsistent taste
outside. High price of coffee was also felt as a barrier in
the South and the North.
_ The knowledge levels on coffee appeared to be relatively
weak in the North and East.
_ While consumers in the North believed that instant coffee
was convenient and tasted good, the seasoned coffee consumer
in the South believed that all instant coffee contains
chicory and that filter coffee is the gold standard in
_ Respondents in the North, followed by East, appeared to
be most positively inclined to consume more coffee at
home if the price was less, they were reassured on health,
and they could try different recipes.
_ Respondents in the North, followed by West and East, appeared
to be most positively inclined to consume more
coffee outside if the price was less, consistently good coffee
was more easily available outside, and they were reassured
on health.
_ In South, consumers believed that they would consume
more coffee at home if their family & friends consumed
_ In the East, there appeared to be a certain level of eagerness
to learn about making “just right” coffee and they
would make filter coffee if they knew how to make it well.