They are flying above the battle when Weed dives down at an extreme speed to the alarm of the Hermes players (he uses Wind Sprint which he got from converting his art stats to agility prior his transformation). Weed level out, barely avoiding crashing into the ground and flies towards a Black Swords member, taking out 1/3 of the level 460, fully armored player’s life. They then fly up again and continue to dive bomb the Black Sword forces. A few magicians cast spells their way but Weed easily avoids them all. Mule talks to himself about how with a mount this amazing, he might become a legend equal to Bard Ray or Weed because he is invincible in the skies. Mule pulls out his weapon (Spear of Sealed Thunder) and begins to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Mule orders around 100 of the griffon corpsmembers to group up and assault the Black Sword Magicians (?). The magicians, noticing the approaching griffons, launch a massive amount of spells towards the group. Mule orders the group to avoid the attack but to his dismay, Weed charges straight into the thick of the spells. Mule frantically orders Weed to stop, straining on the reins, but Weed goes straight in. To Mule’s surprise, the griffon dodges most of the spells and makes it to the magicians mostly unharmed. They do a lot of damage to the magicians and Mule declares that “his” griffon is the strongest mount. The “griffon” flies away from the battlefield, making Mule feel slightly confused but he decides to “spoil” the griffon a little bit and allow it to fly as it pleases. After a couple of minutes, Mule pets the Griffon’s head and says that they should get back to the hunt. However, the griffon suddenly ascends upward at a breakneck speed, piercing through the clouds, letting out a huge roar. Mule tells the griffon that he has to stop now and go back. He is dumbstruck when the griffon suddenly speaks out, saying “Next” (he interjects here, saying “Huh? You were able to speak?”). However, he has no time to say anything else since the griffon says “It’s time for your mount to leave” (I may be completely wrong here). Weed then plunges down at a shocking speed, despite of everything Mule does to try and stop it. As they approach the ground, Weed uses his beak to cut the harness and flings Mule into the ground, wiping out most of his life (his armor reduces his damage by 80%). Before Mule can recover, he is surrounded by 5 people, Weed and several of his sculptures.
Mule’s death utterly destroys the morale of the Hermes army and the Black Swords are able to conquer the castle. Meanwhile Weed is ecstatic at all of the nice loot he got most of them Imperial treasures of the Kallamore kingdom (most of them increase commanding skills). He also gets the Spear of Sealed Thunder which is an amazing item (Not sure whether he’s keeping it or selling it. I think he may intend to give it to one of the Dojo practitioners? ).
Scene switches to an assassin (I think it’s the same one who was doing the master quest before) going around assassinating notorious members of the Haven Empire (?). Scene switches to Arpen where the newbies are prospering and the palace is being reconstructed. Scene switches to Velroth (this might be Mapan’s girlfriend? I’m not sure) Something about creating new villages in order to accept the influx of refuges/slaves from the Haven Empire or something. Velroth and Mapan discuss the recent changes in the Haven Empire that were caused by Weed.
Weed goes to Blue Dragon Rautas’ lair in order to return the mirror. Rautas comments on how Weed has a good scent which makes Weed extremely worried that he was going to be eaten, before Rautas says how Weed smells of nature, life, art, etc. Because he noticed Weed is such an excellent artist, he offers Weed a quest to carve the silver dragon, Kelang Tan, who was once his lover (?). Weed has access to any materials he wants, can have two tries, and a period of 1 month to make the statue. Weed is awestruck by all of the materials he gets and immediately starts carving
Lee Hyun is called by the broadcasting companies to discuss his Dragon’s quest. One of the representatives hints that if Weed could “fail” the first attempt, then it would increase the tension and viewership count, thus leading to the studios giving Weed more money. The next day Weed is carving, Weed orders the dwarfs that are assisting him (the dwarves are under the command of Rautas) to ignore accuracy and prioritize on speed. This leads to them getting angry and him and badmouthing him because he’s not a “real” artist. The sculpture is completed with an artistic value of 590. This angers Rautas immensely raises his hostility towards Weed. Weed gets one more try, which he notes to himself that he absolutely can’t fail. He use Resurrection Sculpture to summon Darone, the one that taught him Sculptural Shapeshifting (it was because Darone spent the most time on the details of his sculptures and Weed needed that level of detail in the sculpture). They slowly work on the sculpture, with Darone using Sculpture Shapeshifting at times to transform into the actual dragon (so that they can see what parts need more detailed work). Weed requests for more materials which Ratuas accepts after seeing their work; Rautas’ rage is completely gone now once he saw the partially complete sculpture. After days of painstaking work, they finally finish the sculpture. Box pops up saying that it’s the apex of art on the Versailles Continent and deserves to be recorded in myths as a legendary sculpture. Weed becomes the only living being to fully master the Handicrafts skill and gets massive bonuses to all crafting and hand-related combat skills. His sculpture skills also reaches 98.9%.