The Old lake is mostly owned by the State.
In the northern part of the surrounding area there are built-in sites and public areas. Some of
them are owned by individuals and authorities.
As the conditions of the enlargement area and its surroundings are the same, these are described
The composition of the owners of the land is: 45 items are the local government’s, 119 stateowned,
67 agricultural cooperative’s, 393 private-owned. More land items can belong to one owner and one certain land item can have 30-40 owners, so the list above does not reflect the
exact number of the land items.
From the conservational point of view, this status is favourable as the majority of land items are
owned by the local government, state or agricultural cooperative so it is easier to make the
approaches of conservation accepted. The state ownership of the reedbeds and fish ponds are to
be supported together with the withdrawn land use of the Fényes-források.
The Old lake is mostly owned by the State.In the northern part of the surrounding area there are built-in sites and public areas. Some ofthem are owned by individuals and authorities.As the conditions of the enlargement area and its surroundings are the same, these are describedtogether:The composition of the owners of the land is: 45 items are the local government’s, 119 stateowned,67 agricultural cooperative’s, 393 private-owned. More land items can belong to one owner and one certain land item can have 30-40 owners, so the list above does not reflect theexact number of the land items.From the conservational point of view, this status is favourable as the majority of land items areowned by the local government, state or agricultural cooperative so it is easier to make theapproaches of conservation accepted. The state ownership of the reedbeds and fish ponds are tobe supported together with the withdrawn land use of the Fényes-források.
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