Enhancements have been made to functionality related to purchase orders and ASN file import functionality in RMS.
The Purchase Order screen has been enhanced such that orders that use the “PO_FTP” order method will be forced to be a bulk break purchase order.
Previously, the system allowed these purchase orders to remain as a direct-to-store purchase order.
The VMI import process now generates bulk-break purchase orders. Previously, the VMI import generated a direct-to-store purchase order.
The ‘despatch_file_load’ ASN import broom task has been enhanced as follows.
1) A new dispatch EDN format is available. Format 7 is based on Format 6, and includes the following additional fields:
• Column 13: Currency
• Column 14: Unit Landed Cost
• Column 16: Back Order Flag
2) The dispatch date is now set to the invoice date in the ASN import file.
3) ASN file is now marked as a duplicate and will not be processed if it contains any duplicate invoice numbers or purchase orders that already exist.
4) Transfer lines are now marked as closed when the ASN file for that transfer line contains a quantity of zero. Transfer lines now remain open for partial dispatches.