Arabic: [I'm all set for now. No more offers please. Thank you.]
I'm a starter (not literally, already know some basic stuff :D) and want to improve. The requirements I'd like you to meet are:
1. Come from Jordan/Syria/Lebanon/Palestine. Or simply speak Levantine Arabic (اللهجة الشامية).
2. What I mostly need is someone to correct my writings. No more than two writings per week, 400-700 words each. Later when I develop a reliable MSA, I need you to walk me through Levantine dialect. (or maybe we could do both at the same time? You're the boss :D)
3. Be good at Standard Arabic. I want you to know the صرف و نحو stuff. I'm not a mess there, but need to stay corrected.
4. I'm serious about this and I expect you to be the same. Just do your best as a teacher, and I'll make you proud. :)
French:[I'm all set for now. No more offers please. Thank you.]
I've already passed basic to upper-intermediate courses before, so the good news is I'm not a toddler! :) But the bad news is, at the time I was tending my French classes, I was so flattered by my allegedly acceptable pronunciation that I almost always forgot that my verb conjugation and domain of vocabulary was a mess. So what I need from you is:
1. Be a native French speaker. And by that I mean Standard French spoken in France.
2. Your language of instruction will be mainly English, so speak English well.
3. What I need at this stage is someone to help me cover my vocabulary book, niveau avancé. It would be like I read fast, and ask you whatever I don't understand. In my experience so far, each lesson (with a teacher) takes 30 minutes tops. We could agree on the number of sessions per week, but I personally prefer twice or three times a week at least.
4. I might also have some random questions for you every other time.