In Fig. 3.5 three different ways of illustrating the existence of a relationship type are shown. In (a), in which the CUSTOMER and INVOICE entity types are represented by index cards, it can be seen that there is a `received' relationship type between customer number 2 and invoice numbers 7 and 9. Customer number 2 has `received' these two invoices. These two invoices `were_sent_to' customer number 2. In (b) the same information is shown using set notation with the relationship type `received' and inverse relationship type `was_sent_to' linking customer entities and invoice entities. Fig. 3.5(c) is the entity-relationship diagram version and information about individual entities and which entity is linked to which is lost. The reason for this is simply that in a real database there would be hundreds of customer and invoice entities and it would be impossible to show each one on the entity-relationship diagram.