The advancement of technology and the modernization of living in the present time have significantly changed man’s lifestyle. The advent of high-technology gadgets and other “convenient” inventions make people busy and negligent of their well-being
In today’s generation, people have mastered the art of multitasking, just so they can accommodate two or more things at once. We have become so focused on our daily, stressful activities, even if it means sacrificing the real “essentials” of life such as health, happiness, love, and social being. Due to man’s negligence of taking care of himself and inability to balance life and work, what usually suffers is his health. Sadly, not all people are aware of this. Or maybe they are, but they just disregard it until it’s too late.
Health, therefore, is something that needs to be paid attention significantly and during the early years of life. While there will always be available medicines and doctors to help people overcome sicknesses and diseases, prevention is – and will always be – better than cure.
Stop ill-health before it hits you. Strive to be healthy and stay healthy all the time.
The Right Definition of ‘Healthy’
Health practitioners and experts at the World Health Organization agree that “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.” Being healthy, therefore, means that one has a perfect balance of all these aspects of life; that his state of fitness not only reigns over his body, but in his mind, heart, and spirit, as well.
Unfortunately, society has significantly influenced people’s mind about the concept of being healthy. Media teaches us that good health is often equated to having a slim figure or a muscular body. Hence, people strive to achieve this even if it means skipping meals or taking in non-prescribed diet pills. These approaches, even with the right objectives, will actually do more bad than good in the body....