After this general overview of childhoods, an analysis of Dickens' novels in regard to his
depictions of these aspects as well as the descriptions of establishments which dealt with
orphaned or impoverished children like the workhouse will follow. The results of this analysis
will be related to secondary literature as well as to Dickens' own childhood experiences by
taking a short look at his biography. Hence, the foremost important question emerges: what
did Dickens want to achieve by making thieves, prostitutes and impoverished working-class
boys his main characters and what were his aims in writing about such topics at all?
Following this analysis, the second part of the term paper will deal with the health and safety
concerns which arose from the occupation of young adults and children in heavy manual
labour and the poor living conditions of many working-class children in the areas of industrial
concentration. What were the dangers the children were exposed to and how were the working
conditions affecting their general health and life expectancy? Keeping these questions on
safety at work in mind there will be a short look at countermeasures taken to prevent young
children from working long hours in hazardous environments. As an example of political
intervention on the topic the last part of this work will take a closer look at `The Factories
Act' of 1844 in order to decide whether the actions taken by the British government were
sufficient and effective. This example also illustrates the contemporary perception of working
children by the Victorian society. What were Dickens' contemporaries thinking about child
labour? Did they share his views and criticism?
Aside from the primary sources provided in form of Charles Dickens' novels `David
Copperfield' and `Oliver Twist', this term paper will rely to great lengths on the secondary
literature `Children and Industry' by Marjorie Cruickshank, `Victorian Childhoods' by Ginger
Frost, `Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution' by Jane Humphries
and `Child Labour in Britain, 1750-1870' by Peter Kirby.