Synonyms: throwing a fit, having a meltdown, outburst
What is a temper tantrum?
A temper tantrum is an expression of extreme anger in a child. The child is so angry that his whole body screams in frustration. Temper tantrums can be very sudden. One minute your host child might be playing happily and the next he is kicking and screaming or crying because he cannot find his favorite toy. They might also happen when a child is hungry or tired or the child is simply trying to get your attention. Temper tantrums happen most often between the ages of 1 and 5. Daily tantrums can be perfectly normal at toddler age. Talk to your host parents if this is an ongoing repetitive pattern beyond the age of 5. Tantrums with older kids should not be encouraged or else the child will believe that this is an acceptable way of getting what he wants. If you will be caring for small children, talk to your host family about how to respond to a tantrum.
Why do kids have tantrums?
A toddler is learning about limits. He has to learn about the limits that you set for him. He also has to learn the limits of his own abilities. He wants to be a big boy, but he isn’t really big enough or strong enough to do everything he wants. He can talk, but he doesn’t know enough words to express everything he wants to say. His world can be very frustrating. And his natural response to frustration is a meltdown.