“…..Goshujin-sama, the reward item is something that they wanted by hook or by crook so it’s fine to be slightly unreasonable.” [Diana]
I became worried about the content of the reward, all of the sudden.
The reason being, he has easily bought me a slave (Marina) even though it cost him 40 gold coins. In addition, it cost him 3 silver coins per night for our lodgings each, so it would be about 1 gold coin for the three of us.
That could only mean that the reward is not just at the level of 100 gold coins. Even 1000 gold coins doesn’t sound too preposterous……By the way, if I were to convert it to our money, 1000 gold coins would be roughly 150 mil yen.
…..Nevertheless, even though 150 mil yen is a huge sum of money to me personally, it might be just a small change for those who excels in business trading. It seemed that the house of Solo is famous to the extent of being known by Rebecca-san too.
Then…..it wasn’t just at the level of 10 or 100 billion yen……. I wonder if it would be alright to selfishly ask for 30 mil yen for our portion.
“…..All right, I have decided. Let’s depend on the house of Solo to the end. I’m not sure how much we can get from them but let’s just do it to the degree whereby Jephthah does not make a sarcastic remark about this.” [Jirou]
“Goshujin-sama is indeed reliable. Among the High Elves, my guidance was considered to be something that hasn’t happened in a really long time so we ended up handing over a treasure that is beyond humans’ power. So, they will basically heed any of your wishes. At the very least, the item was that valuable to us.” [Diana]
A treasure that is beyond humans’ power…… Would it be alright to hand over something like that to a merchant? I don’t think there are be any treasures in existence on earth that might worth 10 billion, are there?
“Specifically, what did the High Elves give the house of Solo? What I meant was that treasure. Rather than ‘cooperating’ with them, did you hand over an item instead?” [Jirou]
On hearing that, there was a slight hesitation in her eyes for but, that was only for an instant. She seemed to have made up her mind after.
“……Will you promise to protect this secret?” [Diana]
“Ou, I will protect it, I will protect it.” [Jirou]
“….That was quite a light assurance…. Will Marina promise to never disclose this to others too? If you can’t, please cover your ears.” [Diana]
Marina covered her ears and closed her eyes at the same time. She didn’t seem to be particularly interested in this story.
“………Once I have achieved my guidance, we are supposed to hand over one of the High Elf race’s treasure, 『The Birth of the Morning Star (The Alchemy)』.” [Diana]
“The Birth of the Morning Star?” [Jirou]
“It was a treasure from the era of Spirit civilization but….. In short, 『It can change base metals to precious metals. In a word, it’s a gem that can turn it into gold』. The existence of this item is concealed for the time being so I hope that goshujin-sama can help keep this a secret.” [Diana]
“The possibility of changing something to gold….. Can it create an infinite number of gold? However, for a house that was already rich like the house of Solo, I don’t think that an item like this is that profitable to them.” [Jirou]
“Goshujin-sama is sharp. Just as you have guessed, changing base material to gold is not the only aspect of this treasure. To be more precise, the Birth of the Morning Star is basically, 『A gem that is able to create various items as long as the conditions for those items are met』. —For example, the conditions for creating gold are these three, 『the original source of metal, magic crystal and spirit power』. However, even with these three conditions met, it is really rare to be able to make one now. There were an abundant of magic crystals during the era of Spirit civilization but they are really valuable now.” [Diana]
Something that is able to create various items. That was a fairly simple explanation. However, changing base metal to precious metal is alchemy isn’t it? Isn’t that the case?
“Even though I understand that the requirements for the creations are generally 『source material』, 『energy crystal』 and 『technique user』……….I apologize. Back in our hometown, we did use it to make food occasionally but I did not properly examine the methods in using it much……Although, father seems to know of many different recipes…..” [Diana]