It would be more correct to speak about methods, because it is not a case of a single one. Neither is it a case of a
complex of partial methods representing a closed system. The methods commonly known from the classic ways of
teaching take turns differently. The difference of methods has got a certain motivation power and it is desirable even
inside the frame of the same course. such a difference is backed by some professional articles that formulate the
teachers' up to non-experience with applying of eLearning in different science fields or in separate subjects of study.
The method of explanation is represented quite usually as a basic teaching process, making a student familiar with
new learning contents. Different methods of practising an revising of learned material, take turns and mastering of
new information. A little less frequent are the methods of checking and examining. Graphical method is very
frequent but it represents only a supplement to the methods of of explanation in most cases. Basically, it only repeats
what was said in a text already. The methods of analysis and interpretation occur relatively often in the courses of all
kinds, inclusive the supporting courses of foreign languages