Longer-Term Effects
Four studies were reviewed that examined longer-term effects
of supplemental stroking/massage interventions. The
sample sizes in these studies ranged from 10 to 62 infants.
The reported GAs and birth weights of the infants suggest
that the infants were physiologically stable at the time of
the intervention, although it is recognized that physiological
stability cannot be assumed based on GA and birth weight
alone. Solkoff and colleagues36 provided 5 minutes of
stroking each hour during the first 10 days of life to
10 preterm infants. Compared with group C infants, those
who received the supplemental stroking regained their birth
weights faster, were more active during the hospitalization
period, and had fewer developmental abnormalities 7 to
8 months after discharge. In a later study, infants received
7.5 minutes of stroking per hour, 16 hours per day, for
10 days.37 Group E infants showed more rapid habituation
to light and sound, improved body tone, increased alertness,
and more consolability than did group C infants
Longer-Term EffectsFour studies were reviewed that examined longer-term effectsof supplemental stroking/massage interventions. Thesample sizes in these studies ranged from 10 to 62 infants.The reported GAs and birth weights of the infants suggestthat the infants were physiologically stable at the time ofthe intervention, although it is recognized that physiologicalstability cannot be assumed based on GA and birth weightalone. Solkoff and colleagues36 provided 5 minutes ofstroking each hour during the first 10 days of life to10 preterm infants. Compared with group C infants, thosewho received the supplemental stroking regained their birthweights faster, were more active during the hospitalizationperiod, and had fewer developmental abnormalities 7 to8 months after discharge. In a later study, infants received7.5 minutes of stroking per hour, 16 hours per day, for10 days.37 Group E infants showed more rapid habituationto light and sound, improved body tone, increased alertness,and more consolability than did group C infants
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