However, the recent coups threaten military-to-military relations. The United States has a
statutory obligation to withhold aid to militaries involved in coups against democratically elected
governments, and after the 2014 coup, the U.S. cut off military assistance and training exercises
with Thailand, chilling relations. Prior to the 2014 coup, U.S. military funding to Thailand had
just recovered to pre-2006 coup levels, and U.S. military leaders touted the alliance as apolitical
and praised the Thai armed forces for exhibiting restraint amidst the competing protests and
political turmoil. However, the 2014 coup put the Thai army at the center of politics, repudiating
years of U.S. training about the importance of civilian control of the military.
However, the recent coups threaten military-to-military relations. The United States has astatutory obligation to withhold aid to militaries involved in coups against democratically electedgovernments, and after the 2014 coup, the U.S. cut off military assistance and training exerciseswith Thailand, chilling relations. Prior to the 2014 coup, U.S. military funding to Thailand hadjust recovered to pre-2006 coup levels, and U.S. military leaders touted the alliance as apoliticaland praised the Thai armed forces for exhibiting restraint amidst the competing protests andpolitical turmoil. However, the 2014 coup put the Thai army at the center of politics, repudiatingyears of U.S. training about the importance of civilian control of the military.
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