The backwash process is designed to remove contaminants accumulated on the membrane. Each
membrane unit is backwashed separately and in a staggered pattern to minimize the number of
units in simultaneous backwash at any given time. During backwash, the direction of flow is
reverse for 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The force and direction of the flow dislodge the
contaminants at the membrane surface and wash accumulated solids out through the discharge
line. Membrane filtration systems are 15 to 60 minutes between backwash events. The backwash
process reduces system productivity 5 to 10 percent due to the volume of filtrate used during
backwash. Backwashing is almost exclusively associated with hollow-fiber MF and UF
Backwashing is conducted according to manufacturer specifications and site-specific
considerations. Although more frequent backwashing allows for higher fluxes, this is
counterbalanced by the decrease in system productivity. In general, a backwash cycle is triggered
when a performance-based benchmark is exceeded, such as operating time, volume, increase in
TMP, and/or flux decline. Ideally, the backwash process restores the TMP to its clean level;
however, most membranes exhibit a gradual increase in TMP after each backwash, indicating
accumulation of foulants that cannot be removed by the backwash process alone. These foulants
are addressed through chemical cleaning.
Some systems also utilize pressurized air and/or chlorine in combination with filtered water to
remove solids, provide pathogen inactivation and biofouling control, and improve backwash
effectiveness. A disinfectant such as chlorine may be added at every backwash to once per day.
Some MF/UF membranes use chemicals other than chlorine (such as acids, bases, surfactants, or
other proprietary chemicals). These strategies are used to enhance membrane flux and extend
intervals between chemical cleanings, thus lowering the cost of operation. State regulators may
Membrane Filtration 10
require enhanced cross-connection control measures for backwash piping and special provisions
for rinsing the membranes after backwash be required.
Because spiral-wound membranes generally do not permit reverse flow, NF and RO membrane
systems are not backwashed. For these systems, membrane fouling is controlled with chemical
cleaning, flux control, and crossflow velocity. The inability of spiral-wound membranes to be
backwashed is one reason NF and RO membranes are seldom applied to directly treat water with
high turbidity and/or suspended solids