I left my c o u n t r y L i b y a shortly before the crisis that led to the killing of my friend the former president (Muammar Gaddafi), Am presently in USA on self exile, am not wanted by any authority, But because my security is not
g u a r a n t e ed in my c o u n t r y as lot of people see me like a friend to a dethroned leader, and also as a 78 years old my health c o n d i t i o n is not permitting me to run around for b u s i n e s s like before.
The reason for contacting you is because I need your b u s i n e s s cooperation on how to invest in your c o u n t r y, I have in excess of USD $45M in my trust with private vault and I want you to partner with me to put this fund into property i n v e s t m e n t in your c o u n t r y and if you are into any other good b u s i n e s s that can g u a r a n t e e a good turnover in due time too its fine by me.
I am like a refugee here and I can not travel forth due to my bad health, but
if you are interested kindly let me know so that we can exchange some
agreement and start a b u s i n e s s relationship immediately.
I am ready for any c o n d i t i o n that will make sense to you in assisting me on This matter.
The funds has been deposited in the vault for well over 18 months now and I
would need to send you a letter of power of attorney to collect the funds from
the vault on my behalf, you may need to visit the private Vault to sign
documents if the need be, If you can take up this as an assignment,