combined treatment involving ultrasound and UV were comparable and not very significant (as compared to untreated) which
may be attributed to the retention of the antioxidants in these processed juices.
Sensory evaluation proved the effectiveness of ultrasound in
maintaining the organoleptic characteristics typical of a natural
orange juice. Overall, an important significant improvement in
the sensory parameters as well as physical appearance and chemical attributes of the juice was observed for the irradiation treatment as compared to the thermal treatment. Further, it is
important to note here that though the physical and chemical attributes have been shown to be better for the ultrasound irradiated
samples in comparison to the thermal preservation, the effect on
microbiological growth during the storage has not been studied
in details. However credence to the comparable results for the
ultrasound treated juices can be obtained from the published literature [32–34], where it has been demonstrated that microbial
growth is also restricted due to ultrasound processing during the
subsequent storage.