„My Little Lord, although I do not give up you very much, after for us considers, I decided or stay here, you were certainly careful outside.”
Xuanyuan had goose flesh, but Huang Yuechan indeed cares about itself from the conscience, Xuanyuan has smiled saying with a smile:
„Relax, ‚The Body Of All Creation’, even if the world altogether enemy, they must be able to kill to obtain me to be good, your quite Saintess instruction of pleasant to hear, hopes to see your time next time, can see that compares favorably with Huang Yuechan of Sacred Child level character sufficiently!”
„Hope next time sees My Little Lord time, My Little Lord can also like ’ bully me when ‚ Phoenix Palace, must know that I have the Saintess instruction, My Little Lord you must diligently.” Huang Yuechan smiles, inverts all living things, in the coquettish look yun the endless tender feelings, Yingying is living the wave, intoxicant heart.
The Xuanyuan corners of the mouth twitched several, looked to Qian Duoduo, confessed saying:
„Money girl, you must be careful in the same place with the [damn|dead] pig, it works is not always reasonable, if you were deliberately considering wants it to be able the fatal moment to save you, you died, knew?”
„Xuanxuan was best, the pig pig always the It's nothing loyalty, I very much long time ago knows that I have met return.” A Qian Duoduo gold bell dingdong sound, is very lovable, is stepping on pair of gold wisp of shoes, was transferring same place several, looked that has sent green pig Heavenly Emperor to the complexion.
„Wang, before your boy just before leaving, must say that I cherish the words.” Pig Heavenly Emperor roared very much angrily.
„That is because you are not really reasonable, therefore I did not say that good, the life of money girl may be more valuable than you.” Xuanyuan has laughed, said:
„Before, you helps me portray first can together directly the jade stage to here.”
Although pig Heavenly Emperor does not have what good complexion, but gave Xuanyuan to portray, but the price was Xuanyuan must to 10,000 pure spirit sources, Xuanyuan unwillingly was also butchered, making pig Heavenly Emperor portray several to transmit toward the northern state emperors, when as well as key can maintain life the jade stage that the self-defense escaped, however made pig Heavenly Emperor portray to camouflage ‚Heavens Secret’ the jade stage of calculation.
If were calculated position, the jade stage cannot resist the calculation the strength, will burst, when the time comes Xuanyuan knows one have exposed, this is also extremely important, although Xuanyuan knows that has ‚Immortal Mengyan Gui’ to deter the world person, but ‚Immortal Mengyan Gui’ date and time, oneself must soon be ready!
In Xuanyuan wants pig Heavenly Emperor to be Huang Yuechan also carves camouflage ‚Heavens Secret’ calculation jade stage, Saintess said:
„Does not use, since she is my person, I will not treat unjustly her, with me in the same place, is here, only if ‚Heavens Secret’ some people can exceed ‚the Chang Sheng handyman in buddhist temple’, otherwise, nobody can calculate the Yuechan whereabouts.”
Xuanyuan hear [words/that] has also felt relieved many.