1. Your supervisor just made out the work schedule for the week and got your hours all mixed up. You thought you had told him when you were available, but apparently he didn't hear or understand you. The whole schedule will have to be redone.
2. You have a new supervisor on 'y9ur job. He doesn't really know what everyone is supposed to be doing yet, and you realize that he is making some mistakes on orders. You press that key there: And then you hit that twice. If the screen does blank, go back to File-Delete-Return, / Return then Control plus ti the F key. Got it?
3. Your supervisor wants you to learn how to do a new job on the computer. She isn't explaining things very well, and you aren't sure that you are interested in learning this anyway—but you want to keep your job!
4. Mornings seem to be a bad time for everyone at your workplace, but especially your boss. She arrives in a very bad mood every morning, which makes everyone else fearful and unsure.
Part II: Learning Basic Social Skills