have barcoded 11 anthropophilic Simulium species of which three taxa are known vectors of O. volvulus (S.
guianense s.l., S. metallicum s.l. and S. oyapockense s.l.). Similarly, L.M. Hernández-Triana [unpublished data, see
projects in http://www.boldsystems.org] has barcoded 70 nominal species of the genera Cnesia (three species),
Gigantodax (11 species), Paraustrosimulium (one species) and Simulium (53 species). Of the genus Simulium 14
species are anthropophilic of which five are known or suspected to be vectors of O. volvulus (S. gonzalezi, S.
guianense s.l., S. metallicum s.l., S. oyapockense s.l. and S. quadrivittatum). More recently, Hamada et al. (2010)
described the new species S. lithobranchium from Brazil, based upon morphological differences of the male
genitalia, the presence of dorsal tubercles in the larvae, and a high intraspecific genetic divergence (>4%) in the
barcoding sequences they analyzed.