From the Heavenly Emperor aura beyond, cold current and Murderous Qi incomparable terrors, making the person scalp send coldly, ghosts lie in wait from all sides spirit in Xuanyuan one line of whole body, does not dare to approach, obviously they started to have the spirit wisdom, some ghosts as if have not wanted to protect these skeletons spirit, but wants day and night to practice here, is separated from here, their strength is astonishing, to Xuanyuan whole body the avoidance of Heavenly Emperor aura instinct, if there is small advantage to sort, they will kill absolutely without hesitation.
Perhaps if pig Heavenly Emperor the range of Heavenly Emperor aura, must be torn into shreds in an instant, was eaten to the minute by these clever spirits.
Saw the ghost who front these terrors works, the pig Heavenly Emperor whole body has trembled, wicked, very unwilling [say / way]:
„Good, your boy, calculates you to suppress, gives you to you.”
When spoke these words, pig Heavenly Emperor is very grieved, the heart in the drop blood, together can preserve today from that age ‚solar immortal jade’ in inevitably is containing the endless secret.
Obtained ‚solar immortal jade’ the Xuanyuan heart is also fiery, following ‚the Chang Sheng palace’, gave, has not ascended on the difference to the roof of stair, has not obtained including the root hair, because in did not have a corpse from the stair roof three ropes made of twisted bamboo strips, was pure lands, no one knows that above has anything, the people decided that that must arrive at the final time.
The pig Heavenly Emperor complexion is black, is making threatening gestures to Xuanyuan, gathers the potential to treat throws:
„‚Solar immortal jade’ also I.”
„Mother, the [damn|dead] pig, this can only blame your luck not being good, I do not know here only then such one ‚isn't solar immortal jade’? Words that called again, I kicked out you directly.” Xuanyuan sees this [damn|dead] pig not to obtain the thing, the psychology does not balance to want ‚solar immortal jade’, to avoid a bigger trouble, directly wickedly threatens pig Heavenly Emperor.
Pig Heavenly Emperor hears the Xuanyuan words, really has instigated, outside these ghost as if one flock of wolves, again are finding the best opportunity spirit, if oneself exited, that does not die must cause heavy losses, arrives with great difficulty this step, it does not want once again by the striking back primary form, to be turned into an egg.
„Calculates that you suppress.” Pig Heavenly Emperor shouted curses, the face was black.
Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan saw that pig Heavenly Emperor admits defeat, cannot help but covers the mouth to smile, the laughter is very charming, making pig Heavenly Emperor think that held anger.
„Pig pig, should not be angry, your thing is the Xuanxuan thing, whose is the same there.” The Qian Duoduo comfort said.
„Right, ‚ten thousand Saint beasts’ should ‚The Body Of All Creation’ live, to Xuanyuan to you, what you have not to be dissatisfied?” Huang Yuechan and Qian Duoduo use both persuasion and threats.
A pig Heavenly Emperor face is black is the same with the coal.
„Was good, comes up ‚the Chang Sheng palace’ the peak has a look.” Xuanyuan looks that White Jade long social stratum stack-ups get up, to this ‚Chang Sheng palace’ in peak, although does not know that above has anything, but Xuanyuan feels an extremely huge aura, forms an independent space, changes into pure lands, any dust is unable to contaminate on.
Sees only the white Jade Stone step not any damages in that three thousand li (333m), has no time completely, is pasting the mild ray.
The group upward walk, when Xuanyuan approaches that three thousand li (333m) scopes, felt that has a huge aura, seems oppressing to be the same, did not go forward by oneself, everyone has such feeling.
„Walks, walks!” Xuanyuan wears the burlap clothes, the Heavenly Emperor aura does not compare this huge aura to be weak, Xuanyuan can the clear feeling, two aura contend mutually.
„Above definitely has extremely terrifying existence! Perhaps genuine most precious object above!” Pig Heavenly Emperor has made such depends on.
„Has resulted , what most precious object if there is already to be taken away, to remain how also today?” Xuanyuan every supercilious look, said.
„Xuanxuan said reasonable.” Qian Duoduo said.
„Since to here, had a look.” Huang Yuechan and Qian Duoduo grasp in the hand that ‚the god of medicine immortal tree’ the trunk and branches makes ‚Yingtian Heavenly Emperor’ has rested wooden bed bed leg, is sending out a Heavenly Emperor internal combustion engine, resists this to compel the imposing manner of person.
Two aura contend, Xuanyuan one line of walk on.
Two ropes made of twisted bamboo strips, a thousand li (333m), 50 zhang (3.33 m), 30 zhang (3.33 m), ten zhang (3.33 m)