IBA for regeneration in Sesbania bispinosa and Zhao et al., (1993) recorded, root and shoot regeneration in medium without growth regulators. Organagenic responses had been recorded by various previous workers in different plant species. It was observed that in higher Cytokinin supplementation, shoot were recorded with stunted growth, short internodes and crowded leaves in the present investigations which are confirmatory with Rudra and Jewarkar (2002). Various authors in the past had reported that several plant species were highly responsive on MS + Auxin and Cytokinin combinations (Radhamani and Chandel, 1992).
In the present study, medium containing coconut water (20%V/ V) showed shoot growth and multiple shoot production reported earlier in a number of species of Fabaceae. Effects of Cytokinin and auxin on micropropagation were recorded previously in Cleoptera ternatea by Zhao et al., (1993) for plant regeneration from callus and explants of Sesbania sp. Callus formation was greatly affected by the type and the age of explants and growth regulators requirements (type concentrations of auxin to - Cytokinin ratio) for callus formation depending upon the genotype and endogenous harmone contents of the tissue. The present investigation lends support to the view that disease free plants of Annona reticulata are very likely to be produced in quite large scale in lesser time through tissue culture technique which would be beneficial to the farmers.