Mortality in broiler flocks represents lost income to growers and integrators alike. Even though mortality is an everyday part of broiler production, growers should tailor management programs to reduce its overall effect on flock performance. An aggressive culling program early in each flock that humanely removes substandard birds as they appear can improve overall flock uniformity and performance with a minimal negative effect on feed conversion ratio.
Allowing cull birds to remain in a flock increases the difficulty in feeder and drinker management throughout the flock. Also, if these birds succumb or are culled late in the flock, they have a much greater negative impact on feed conversion because they have eaten more feed (which is now lost) than they would have if removed at 1 or 2 weeks of age. Management programs later in the flock are often designed slow growth slightly to reduce late mortality due to ascites, heart attacks, and leg problems.