Built-in automation peer classes
In general, elements implement an automation peer class if they accept UI activity from the user, or if they contain information needed by users of assistive technologies that represent the interactive or meaningful UI of apps. Not all UWP visual elements have automation peers. Examples of classes that implement automation peers are Button and TextBox. Examples of classes that do not implement automation peers are Border and classes based on Panel, such as Grid and Canvas. A Panel has no peer because it is providing a layout behavior that is visual only. There is no accessibility-relevant way for the user to interact with a Panel. Whatever child elements a Panel contains are instead reported to UI Automation trees as child elements of the next available parent in the tree that has a peer or element representation.
UI Automation and UWP process boundaries
Typically, UI Automation client code that accesses a UWP app runs out-of-process. The UI Automation framework infrastructure enables information to get across the process boundary. This concept is explained in more detail in UI Automation Fundamentals.
All classes that derive from UIElement contain the protected virtual method OnCreateAutomationPeer. The object initialization sequence for automation peers calls OnCreateAutomationPeer to get the automation peer object for each control and thus to construct a UI Automation tree for run-time use. UI Automation code can use the peer to get information about a control’s characteristics and features and to simulate interactive use by means of its control patterns. A custom control that supports automation must override OnCreateAutomationPeer and return an instance of a class that derives from AutomationPeer. For example, if a custom control derives from the ButtonBase class, the object returned by OnCreateAutomationPeer should derive from ButtonBaseAutomationPeer.
If you're writing a custom control class and intend to also supply a new automation peer, you should override the OnCreateAutomationPeer method for your custom control so that it returns a new instance of your peer. Your peer class must derive directly or indirectly from AutomationPeer.
For example, the following code declares that the custom control NumericUpDown should use the peer NumericUpDownPeer for UI Automation purposes.