A 35 years old male patient was referred to Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Kamineni Institute of dental sciences with a history of road traffic accident and sustained facial injury with no other systemic problems. Clinical examination revealed swelling in the bilateral parasymphysis region (Fig 1), which was tender on palpation, step deformity was present in the lower border of the mandible bilaterally. Intra oral examination revealed to have deranged occlusion, (Fig 2a) and step deformity of alveolar segments were seen between 34-35 and 43-44. (Fig 2b). The fracture fragment was displaced downwards & buccally leading to anterior open bite. The medical history of the patient was noncontributory. Panoramic radiograph showed a fracture lines between 34-35 and 43-44 with over riding of the fracture fragment. (Fig 3). PA view of mandible showed that the fractured fragment was buccally displaced. (Fig 4). After clinical and radiographic evaluation the case was diagnosed as right parasymphysis and left body fracture of the mandible.