Subject matter other than works is a new group, largely c century technological developments. Here, the copyright owner is initially the producer or manufacturer. The four categories are: 1. films, including videotape recordings and soundtrack 2. sound recordings 3. television and radio broadcasts in the form of radio waves, but not when trans mitted through cable or optical fibre in this instance, no material form is required, but they must be broadcast to the pub 4. published editions
Copyright law regards recorded television programs (which it calls "films regardless of the medium on which they are recorded) and television programs in transmission separately, enabling live television transmission to be protected if it is not in a material form. Copyright in television programs exists indepen- dently of any underlying rights there might be within the program. Where news footage has been incorporated into a program, the producer has copyright in the completed program, and the news agency retains underlying rights in that par ticular footage. A similar relationship exists, for example, in a published edition of artworks, where the publisher has copyright in the edition, and the artist has underlying rights in the artwork