Class identity in the Black community is complex and often confusing. It cannot be evaluated by using measures identical to those used for whites. If the white upper class is made up of captains of corporations, there is no black equivalent.
The traditional African societies were strongly egalitarian in character and had an absence, or a low level, of stratification. African societies were strongly egalitarian in character and had an absence, or a low level, of stratification. The concepts of "African humanism", "traditional collectivism".
‘class’ include the social and cultural informations, reconfiguring the causal model that has underpinned class analysis, andabandoning the notion of distinct class identities or groups, focussing instead onindividualized hierarchical differentiation.
The problem of class identities has created a curious symmetry. Just as postmodern writer shave abandoned economic relations in their attempt to explain social identity, so classtraditionalists have jettisoned social identity as a key component of class analysis.